Jeep Wrangler JK Stories To Make You Laugh

Jeep Wrangler JK Stories To Make You Laugh

While the Jeep Wrangler is practically a household name, not everyone is aware of what the “JK” stands for. Ultimately, this classification describes Jeeps that were manufactured between 2007 and 2018. The “JK” doesn’t stand for anything specific. As one of the most popular renditions of this popular vehicle, the Jeep Wrangler JK is one of the most sought-after used Jeeps on the market.

While there is nothing funny about the reliability, style, and performance capability of a Jeep Wrangler JK, there are some great stories regarding this marvel of engineering that will bring a smile to your face.

It’s Not My Jeep

Since Jeeps were first used in the US military, there’s no wonder that it’s still a popular choice for the top brass. On one occasion, a sergeant was enjoying a little off-road fun in his Jeep Wrangler JK. While he was out and about, he ran across another Jeep that was stuck in the mud.

The colonel, who was also trying to enjoy being off of the paved road, was embarrassed that he couldn’t get his vehicle out of the muck. The sergeant pulled over, stepped out of his Jeep, and asked the colonel, “is your Jeep stuck, sir?”

The colonel departed his stuck Jeep and got into the sergeant’s vehicle. As he turned the key, the sergeant turned to the colonel and said, “Nope. YOUR Jeep is stuck” before driving away.

Never Say Never

Everyone knows that Jeep owners are part of an exclusive club. That’s why they waive to each other whenever they pass each other in public. This tradition goes all the way back to the beginning of the Jeep’s use in the Second World War. Of course, the Jeep Wave isn’t the only thing Wrangler owners have in common.

When asked, most Jeep Wrangler JK owners request to be buried in their Jeeps when they pass. While this might seem morbid to some, the reason is quite brilliant. You see, the reason Jeep owners want to be buried with their Jeeps is that these beastly vehicles have never been in a hole that they couldn’t get out of.

You Know You’re A Jeep Owner If…

There are some clear-cut signs that someone you know drives a Jeep. Look for these things, and you’ll know for sure:

• You use a hose to clean the inside and the outside of your Wrangler
• You consider a scratch or dent a beauty mark
• You prefer unplowed parking spots after snowstorms
• You had to add JK to your phone’s spell checker
• You carry extra clothing in case you get the urge to go mudding
• Going through the car wash makes you feel like you bought a new Jeep
• It rains, and you forgot where you left the top and the doors

There’s No Joking About the JK

Jeep culture may be fun to poke fun at once in a while, but the reality is that Jeeps are American as apple pie and The World Series. The Jeep Wrangler JK will always hold a place in the hearts of those who’ve driven them. Whether you are laughing at Jeep jokes or smiling after a run through the mud, the Wrangler JK is sure to perk up your mood.

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