Mercedes, Where it All Began

Where it All Began

In the early years of the SUV market, you wouldn’t have thought to have a company that was known for racing add upgrades and improvements to a large body-on-frame SUV and turn it into a production model. Certainly, there were a variety of one-off models that were built based on nearly every model on the market, including SUVs, but the thought of putting one into production wasn’t considered to be a successful way to enter into the business world, even if there would have been a few people that would have gladly paid the price asked.

As we see the team at Mercedes-Benz prepares to offer us a new G-Class large SUV to be the next version of one of the most impressive models we’ve seen on the market over the past several years. This new model of the G-Class isn’t going the way of many other SUVs on the market, instead, it’s going to be larger and more incredible for the drive that you want to be able to experience on the roads and trails that you travel and enjoy when you want to have the ride you want when you choose this model for your drive.

The History of the G-Class and AMG

The early days of the build of the G-Class included investments by the Shah of Iran. The first year of this SUV was the 1979 280 GE 5.6 Sport model that was a factory approved version of the SUV that was built by AMG. At the time, the AMG team had only been around for twelve years which made them a fairly new company in the industry and an unlikely choice to partner with one of the most highly regarded names in the industry, especially when it came to the top SUV model offered.

As you can tell, this partnership worked for the G-Class and has continued to this day. Most of the time AMG spend partnered with Mercedes-Benz at the time of the original G-Class was around the race tracks as they helped to create the one-off racing machines we admired including the 1974 300SL AMG. That car was a 1957 Gullwing with a body kit and a 4.5-liter V8 that came from the 450SE, but the G-Class is what came next and was one of the most incredible builds we’ve seen enter the market from this partnership.

Since that time, the AMG package for the G-Class has become more popular and no longer was limited to the Middle East. The general production models began in 1993 and AMG has had their influence in nearly every Mercedes-Benz model since those early days. As we look forward to the next generation of the G-Class, we expect to see an impressive AMG-powered model that will be the next model at the top of the lineup for the SUV that has the most power and capability possible for you to have an exciting and fun way to drive out on the roads and trails in your area.

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